EDU 5571 – Administrtive Leadership                                                                                                                     Fall   2004

Professor Kevin McGuire, Ph D.


                  Cover Image

Additional Readings:


Not for Bread Alone by Konosuke Matsushita

The Leader of the Future by Ronald Heifetz


Course Description per Graduate Bulletin, St. John’s University, 2004 – 2006

The course focuses on the administrative role of the building principal in developing a successful context for the improvement of instructional performance in cognitive and affective dimensions, as well as effective day-to-day operational practices of the school.




School Improvement Plan


School Visitation Schedule


Standards for School Leadership


Class notes:


Case Study – Achievement


Class Notes



Course reflection and synthesis:


Steps in Basic Decision Making

*       Know the Problem 

*       Alternative Solutions 

*       Implement

*       Evaluate 


This course focused on the leadership styles and roles of administration and leaders in schools.  Although the two textbooks did not necessarily come from educational framework, their philosophies are applicable to any organization including school districts.  In Mr. Matsushita’s book, Not for Bread Alone, an organization can accomplish things and be profitable when it focuses on people.  His practices and research lead him to “become widely known as a highly successful entrepreneur, appearing on the cover of Time magazine in February 1952 and featuring in Life magazine in September 1964.”  He continues to write books on management styles and ethics today.


Mr. Fullan’s book, Leading in a Culture of Change, outlines leadership styles:


Fullan’s leadership styles:








The application of leadership styles from very successful “leaders” gives the present and  potential leaders in education the knowledge to make the best decisions within their organization.