EDU 7701 – Research and Development Instruction                                                                            Spring 2006

Professor Frank Smith, Ph.D.





Relevant to “Lesson Study”


Lesson Study Overview


Lesson Study:  Teachers College


Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory and  But lesson study is better conceived as the use of these activities to strengthen five key learning pathways :

Increased knowledge of subject matter and instruction

Keener "vision to see students"

Stronger collegial and personal learning structures

Stronger connection of daily practice to long-term goals

Stronger motivation to improve


Lesson Study tools from T.C. --- downloadable worksheet


Lesson Study Project


Using the blackboard


Additional text:


The Jamestown Colony Adventure


Lessons in Perspective: How Culture Shapes Math Instruction in Japan, Germany, and the United States


Why Johnny Can't Add -- and Akira Can By Eileen A. Lynch



Math-Science Education in the US-Germany-Japan



Course Description per Graduate Bulletin, St. John’s University, 2004 – 2006

This course examined teacher evaluations, lesson plan design and the role of building leaders in effecting school change by building leaders in affecting school change by building relationships and reflecting on their roles as moral leaders of learning communities. Students began by sharing their own individual experiences with evaluation and observation. Notes were taken and the students' experiences were coded. 




Jamestown Assignment


Lesson Study Blackboard Map




Class notes:


An Overview of Lesson Study – Teachers College, Columbia University


Overview of Lesson Study in Japan


Lesson Planning Tool


Lesson Study Report Guidelines


Lesson Study Plan Format


Student Worksheet




We downloaded Nivo software during this course.  This software is unique in that it supports researchers utilizing qualitative methods.  It allows the researcher to sort the data into “nodes” and the data can then be organized to view and compare relationships.  It took a long time to download the demo version due, I believe, the number of students trying to download it at once.  It was, however, worth the wait and can be an important tool in our upcoming dissertations. 

We utilized the “Jamestown Study” which is a website that allows you to actively participate in a history lesson.  It is a very motivating and exciting mode of instruction and it is very likely that I would use something like this in the future. 

Lesson Study was so interesting and fits right into best practices and the latest Response to Intervention (RtI) initiative in education.  Lesson provides effective instruction for all students at every level.